Article IX. Dues and Revenue

Section 1 – Each member club shall pay the district for every active member dues of twelve dollars ($12.00 US). The amount of the district dues shall be determined by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of all delegates at the district convention. In no case shall the district dues exceed the dues of International.

Section 2 – All dues payments are payable on October 1st and are due November 30th. Clubs that do not meet the dues submission deadline are subject to penalty as defined in the Circle K International Bylaws.

Section 3 – The CKI District Administrator and the Kiwanis board shall determine the official depository of the Texas-Oklahoma District of CKI.

Section 4 – Revenue may be derived from other sources in such a manner as may be determined by the voting members of the District Board of Officers. The district shall never sponsor or participate in any manner in a lottery, raffle, drawing or game of chance in connection with any fundraising activity unless the district has received prior approval by the Texas-Oklahoma Kiwanis District Board. Such approval granted does not constitute official endorsement of such activities by CKI or by Kiwanis International. Any lottery, raffle, drawing or game of chance so approved must not contravene any federal, state or county laws. The district shall not directly or indirectly engage in any activity, which may impugn or reflect unfavorably on the good name of CKI or Kiwanis.