Article V. District Committees
Section 1. Standing Committees
District Events Committee – the committee shall serve to plan all district events deemed necessary, within the budget provided for the Texas-Oklahoma District of CKI. The events shall incorporate the three tenets of CKI which are Service, Fellowship, and Leadership. In regards to Service, they shall incorporate a service project in the event which shall serve the host community.
Membership Development Committee - the committee shall serve to create and distribute membership, educational, and promotional materials to all chapters and district board officers; distribute and compile FLIP (Freshmen Leadership Invitation Program) resources to provide to all CKI chapters, board members and Kiwanis Committee on CKI. The committee shall also assist in the chartering of new clubs and the reactivation of inactive clubs.
Kiwanis Family Committee – the committee shall serve to strengthen relationships within our organization and Kiwanis Family. The committee shall have two focuses: to increase involvement between members of CKI and the rest of the Kiwanis Family and to educate the Kiwanis Family about what CKI is doing.
Public Relations and Marketing Committee – the committee shall serve to strengthen the presence of Texas-Oklahoma CKI within the K-Family and college communities. The committee shall focus on creating and maintaining a minimum of four editions of the T-O Today, as well as maintaining the T-O CKI Website. Additionally, the committee shall also look to create and/or maintain any other presence through social media. The committee shall also ensure that articles are sent to the Tex-O-Key, Ki-Notes, and CKI Magazine publications. The Chair of the Public Relations and Marketing Committee shall be known as the District Editor.
Laws & Regulations Committee – the committee shall serve to maintain and interpret the district bylaws and policy code. The committee shall also review, update, and modify the District Code on Contests and Awards.
Long Range Planning Committee - the committee shall oversee the production of the Long Range Plan as well as update it when necessary. This plan should include an extensive list of objectives, ways to achieve those objectives, review current programs of the District, propose new programs, catalog the District’s achievements, failures, and assess the District as a whole. In addition to the Long Range Plan, the Long Range Planning Committee shall be responsible for the development of the Legacy Fund. Once the Immediate Past Governor has vacated the position of Chair of this committee, the current Governor, or their designee, shall oversee the implementation and revision of the Long Range Plan and the development of the Legacy Fund.