Article VII. District Convention
Section 1 – Structure and Planning
The annual convention for T-O CKI shall be held prior to April 1st.
The District Board of Officers shall work closely with the designated administrator in the full supervision and management of all conventions. The District Administrator or representative of the District Administrator shall work with the Texas Oklahoma Kiwanis District meetings coordinator to handle all contractual arrangements necessary for the district convention.
The Secretary shall mail to each club, the District Board of Officers, the International Director of CKI, the Kiwanis Governor, and the Kiwanis District Secretary an official call to the annual convention not less than thirty days prior to the date of the convention.
Each club in good standing shall be entitled to two voting delegates and two alternates at the district convention. The delegates and their alternates shall be active members in good standing of the chartered club they represent as represented by the Delegate Certification Form.
The Governor, other elected district officers and Lt. Governor-Elects shall be delegates-at-large at the district convention. International officers shall not be considered delegates unless certified as representatives of their home club.
Each accredited delegate shall be entitled to vote on each question submitted at any convention. There shall be no voting by proxy.
In the absence of the Governor from any district convention, the District Board of Officers shall designate a member of the District Board of Officers to act as the presiding officer of the convention.
Each district convention program shall include, but not be limited to the following:
An address by the Governor of the Texas-Oklahoma District of Kiwanis International
An address by the Governor of the Texas-Oklahoma District of Key Club International
An address by the International Representative in attendance.
Sessions for the purpose stimulating enthusiasm, motivating and educating membership, developing leadership potential, increasing awareness of International Service Initiatives and increasing service activities, although they are not limited to this criteria.
Installation of the newly-elected district officers
A presentation promoting attendance at the upcoming international convention
Presentation of club and district awards
New/Old board member meeting to transfer files and give advice.
Section 2 – Process for elections and House of Delegates
There shall be a Convention Elections and Credentials Committee composed of the members of the Laws and Regulations Committee that shall see that elections are carried out properly. This committee shall have a Chairperson for Elections and a Chairperson for Credentials.
Before the opening of polls, the Chairman of the Credentials committee shall supply the Chairman of the Elections committee with a list of accredited delegates and delegates-at-large.
The District House of Delegates shall be held at a time and place as designated in the official program. Two-thirds (2/3) of the selected representatives present at the convention shall constitute a quorum. The quorum must be representative of at least one third (1/3) of the total clubs in the district.
Voting for all officers or endorsement for International Candidacy shall be by secret ballot. No delegate or delegate-at-large shall be allowed to vote unless they have been certified by the credentials committee.
A majority of all votes cast shall be necessary for the election of a CKI District Governor, Secretary, Treasurer, and Editor.
Voting Procedure
When the number of candidates for the office of District Governor shall exceed two (2), the following procedure shall be followed:
In the event that one candidate receives a majority of those votes cast on the first ballot, that candidate shall be elected.
In the event that no one (1) candidate receives a majority of those votes cast on the first ballot, those two (2) candidates receiving the highest number of votes, whose combined total constitutes a majority of those votes cast on the first ballot, shall appear on a second ballot.
In the event that no one (1) candidate receives a majority of those votes cast on the first ballot, and the combined total of those two (2) candidates receiving the highest number of votes does not constitute a majority of those votes cast, the candidate receiving the lowest number of votes shall be eliminated. This procedure shall be continued until (2) candidates have a combined total, which constitutes a majority of those votes cast. Those two (2) candidates shall appear on another ballot.
When the number of candidates for the office of District Governor shall equal two (2) or less, the candidate(s) shall appear on a final ballot. The candidate receiving the majority of votes cast shall be elected.
The election of Secretary, Treasurer, Editor, and if need be, the Lieutenant Governor shall follow the same procedures as the election of District Governor, as outlined in Article VII, Section 2, 6 of these Bylaws. Except for the fact that only delegates of the respective division shall be eligible to cast ballots for the election of Lieutenant Governors in the House of Delegates.
No ballot shall be counted where it appears that the ballot has been altered.
The District Administrator and two other appointed officials shall count all ballots. After all the ballots are counted, they should be sealed in an envelope with the Administrator’s signature along the seal, and the winner of each election reported to the elections committee. The District Administrator, or their designee, shall keep the ballots for a period of ninety days after the convention.
The Governor shall submit a report of the convention as outlined in the international bylaws.